disconnect was summed up by my doctor’s mantra, “Not my specialty.” I feel that it reflects what I have
experienced in every other doctor’s office. If you cannot check the easy
diagnosis box, then you get dismissed. Additionally, if you show you are human,
frustrated, upset and feel confined by the disability that has struck you, it
only ensures that you will be treated with even less care, dare I say, even
less heart. Worse, in the case of patients who have autonomic dysfunction, if
you can easily be classified as one thing, then all the other symptoms you may
present are dismissed because they are “not the specialty” of the doctor you
may be seeing.
experience has made me wonder if Vanderbilt even understands that they are
sending some heart patients to the neurology group and some neurology patients
to the cardiovascular group and that there are patients who might actually
transverse the two? In my case, I believe I transverse the two and was met
inexplicable with, “Not my specialty.”
me to explain the process. In order to be seen at Vanderbilt you must be
referred by a doctor and then you are either accepted or rejected to be seen.
In my case, I believed that autonomic dysfunction was a general specialty.
Actually, I was referred to the sub clinic in Vanderbilt’s Cardiovascular Heart
Institute and my request to be seen was never referred or reviewed by
Vanderbilt’s Autonomic Dysfunction Center. This set up a dissatisfying visit
with Vanderbilt.
arrived to learn all about vasovagal syncope, something I was already familiar with
and doing all the “recommended” life changes to deal with. The tests they did
verified that I am not suffering autonomic nerve damage that is related to the
autonomic cardiovascular system. This is
encouraging. My current condition may not be permanent and has a chance to be
altered, just not by the physician I saw. What I really was and am concerned
with is whether or not there are other things that can be done to help my
condition. In other words, I would have been better served by going to
Vanderbilt’s Autonomic Dysfunction Center.
the medical aspect of my visit, I continue to be frustrated with doctors and
the doctor process. I went and did the testing and did not know what the
testing was testing for! Then I went to the doctor’s office and met with his
nurse. With her I gave my entire history as best as I could and she left. Then
two medical students came in and required that I give my entire history AGAIN.
I was extremely frustrated and told the medical students that I was frustrated.
I told them that I knew to up the intake of my salt and to make sure that I
drank more than the recommended 64 fluid ounces of water a day.
walked my doctor who promptly began to tell me to drink lots of water and
increase my salt intake. Really? This left me suspicious that my file had not
been reviewed by this doctor. That all the paper work I had filled out, all the
medical records from all the specialists I had requested had not been reviewed
by this doctor. The more he talked the more frustrated I became.
my discomfit, the doctor asks me, “I sense that you are angry at me. Why would
you be angry at me?”
really, doctor’s need to check their egos at the door, when patients show
emotions they are about the patient. I was crying tears of frustration that I
was obviously being seen by the wrong specialist and further this doctor, who
is also part of Vanderbilt, was clueless as to the signs and symptoms of
Autonomic Dysfunction in general. He couldn’t even discern if a recommendation to
the neurology sub clinic was in order.
started my response by explaining that he had not said anything about the tests
that had been done that morning, tests that I didn’t even know what were
testing. Further I explained that I had not driven four hours, stayed in a
hotel and put myself through all this stress just to hear a doctor tell me I
should drink more water. I am already drinking more water than most people ever
dream about drinking.
pulled myself together and started asking questions. He suggested a drug that I
have not tried in the past and said he would put together information that
stated that my condition certainly predates my request for disability, another
Then I
asked him the killer question, “Did you look at all the medical information
that was forwarded to you prior to my visit? My echo cardiogram? My other heart
would I do that?” he replied.
Then why did they require me to give the information?
“I was
hoping fresh eyes might ensure that nothing was missed. That your expertise
might demonstrate that everything was done.”
I just wanted to confirm what I already suspected. I was just another number
herded through Vanderbilt’s Cardiovascular unit to be rubber stamped and
charged. Everything he said after that was irrelevant. By that time I wanted to
leave, my humiliation was complete. Frustrated to the point of crying in front
of two med students, a nurse and a doctor my stress was at my limit.
returning home, I have pulled it together enough to call Vanderbilt and
complain hardily about my treatment. I have asked the questions about why a
doctor treating an autonomic heart dysfunction wouldn’t know or even be aware
of Vanderbilt’s Autonomic Dysfunction Center. I wanted to know how these two
different groups were ensuring that patients like myself were not being sent to
the wrong group and why the complaints that expanded beyond “a doctor’s
expertise” were being completely ignored.
Patient Advocate called back and told me that my treating physician saw nothing
that indicated a neurological dysfunction or anything that would suggest that I
should be referred to neurology. In addition, the Patient Advocate also spoke
with the head of Vanderbilt Cardiovascular Institute who concurred. I asked her
to verify for me that balance issues, word confusion issues (for a writer), hot
and cold flashes, a sudden change in overall health three years ago and all the
information collected by my Rheumatologist were solely caused by a heart
dysfunction I have had my entire life? She then stated that normally a
Vanderbilt doctor would speak with the referring physician and that no one
spoke to Dr. Cynthia Elliott Lawrence or even my old cardiologist.
I again
asked how I could trust the Vanderbilt doctor’s opinion when I still do not
believe that he had bothered to review my file? I pointed out that his boss
would naturally side with him because doctors do not like to have potential
gaps in their diagnosis process pointed out. The Patient Advocate said that a cursory
review of the medical files are done to ensure that a patient is in the correct
specialty and I concur that it did no harm to be seen by the autonomic sub
group of the Vanderbilt Cardiovascular Institute. It also did no good.
I reiterated
that my concern was the disconnect between Vanderbilt Cardiovascular Institute
and Vanderbilt Autonomic Dysfunction Center, when in truth, these two specialties
overlap. I asked why those questions were not being address. I stated that my
hope was that the two specialties could put into place a mechanism that would
allow persons like myself, who transverse these two specialties, to be properly
speaking a second time with the Patient Advocate, I am not sure that my concern
is being heard. And here is the rub. I am sick. What little energy I have I
would like to focus upon my family and having distractions like this simply
cause me to give energy away to people who aren’t hearing me. What do patients
do? How many like me have had a similar experience and are sent home to
complete disability thinking they have all the information they need when in
truth more could be done?
continue to blog about this issue and follow up with Vanderbilt. I am thinking
about sending my experience via this blog to autonomic dysfunction advocacy
groups in an attempt to find others who have had similar experiences. The fact
remains that if a patient who doesn’t fit easily into a box wants to find
healing, they have to literally and daily do battle with their bodies and a medical
system that just wants patients to fit in little squares. They have to battle a
system that has separated the body down into specialties to the exclusion of
all other parts of the body’s functions and systems. This has to change. Not
just for my health and the quality of life my family enjoys. It must change for
all the other patients who have whole system dysfunction and are being shoved
into a single square diagnosis. I had hoped for so much more from Vanderbilt.
Thank you for your constant support Tara.
ReplyDeleteI thought I had posted on this... maybe on facebook. I am sorry this was your experience but happy to know you are strong and will move beyond others incompetence. This has been a long battle, I know.... and you do it with grace. Love you sis.